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Article: L'entrepreneuriat : Oser se lancer

Backstage 17H10

Entrepreneurship: Daring to take the plunge

A few weeks ago, Amélie and Caroline, co-founders of 17H10, hosted a conference on entrepreneurship at Chez Simone. 

From roommates to collaborators, they have had to deal with the ups and downs of entrepreneurship, learned to manage their budget sparingly, but also to take breaks in order to sustain themselves over the long term.

Here's what we took away from this very good vibes conversation: 

Born from the desires and ambitions of two young students, the 17H10 brand has taken several years to develop, and is still developing today. "Nothing is won" is the phrase they like to repeat to themselves to keep their feet on the ground. 

Moreover, the majority of the tips given during this meeting are based on states of mind, a mental conditioning that the two founders have imposed throughout the achievement of their objectives.

Caroline also addressed the subject of stress before a very important meeting, and shared with us her ultimate technique, relativizing: "What if the worst happens? What can happen to me?" The worst case would ultimately not be as dramatic as we imagine.



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