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Article: Victoria Beckham, la maîtrise du style minimaliste


Victoria Beckham, the mastery of minimalist style

From Pop Star in the 1990s to respected fashion designer, Victoria Beckham has quickly made a name for herself in fashion. 

She first became known as one of the 5 "Spice Girls". Platform shoes, mini-skirts and tight clothes, their style quickly became iconic and imitated! Of the five girls in the group, she is already the most "minimalist" in her clothing choices. 

She put an end to her pop star career in 2004, to become a designer, with the encouragement of Marc Jacobs of which she is one of the muses.

Its aesthetic: sober, minimalist and resolutely modern. 

How to have the style of Victoria Beckham? 

The pencil skirt: With a bold pattern, stilettos and a pair of sunglasses, for a modern working girl style.

The long turtleneck coat. Ideal to have a long and elegant silhouette. With flared trousers for an even more slender effect.

And the suit? She wears the suit with a casual elegance that does justice to her minimalist style. Often Oversized and colorful with a simple white shirt underneath and a pair of pumps. 



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