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Article: Delphine alias Deedee, blogueuse

Delphine alias Deedee, blogger

When the iconic Parisian blogger Deedee talks about our Paris - New York ivory suit on her website it is in these words: "comfortable, well finished, responsible materials ... "


Assumed, she wears the jacket one size above for a style "oversized". With her sleeves up and black converse on her feet for a very casual chic look, she talks about it as the perfect outfit for a weekend brunch with friends. 

"The perfect suit" according to Deedee, we are very flattered!

photo credit : Clara Ferrand


Maya Lauqué, TV presenter

Maya Lauqué, TV presenter

Dynamic and sunny is what defines Maya Lauque in her show La Quotidienne. And with this Jaune Safran Paris - New-York outfit, she is simply radiant!

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Lauren Bastide, journalist and radio host

Lauren Bastide, journalist and radio host

Défendre ses valeurs en 17H10 comme la journaliste et entrepreneuse Lauren Bastide lors de la 20e Cérémonie du Prix L’Oréal-UNESCO pour les Femmes et la Science. En tailleur Boston-New York noir e...

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