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Article: Connaissez-vous les workcations ?

Do you know about workcations?

Work or vacation, why choose? Match your 17H10 suit jacket with your swimsuit, or jeans and rubber boots, and head off on workcation! 

Workcations, a contraction of the words "work" and "vacation", make it possible to work while on vacation, or to be on vacation while working. It's a way of telecommuting from a vacation spot for a change of scenery without sacrificing precious vacation days. Workcations allow you to spend a week without the stress of returning from vacation, or the anxiety of immediately diving back into your files after days of total disconnection.


However, a workcation should not be confused with : 

  1. Vacation: workcations are not strictly speaking a vacation. You don't take time off, and the aim is not to disconnect completely. Meeting deadlines, replying to e-mails and attending meetings are all compulsory. even though you're working in a far more idyllic setting than your usual office.
  2. Bleisure: a contraction of "business" and "leisure". For example, extending a business trip by a few days for sightseeing and relaxation. 

The advantages of this way of working? 

On the one hand, this concept offers the opportunity to make the most of telecommuting, to get a change of scenery and discover new horizons without taking time off. However, it can't replace the total disconnection offered by a real vacation. It's essential to think carefully about the kind of break you need.

Go on workcation if...

  • You want to live elsewhere and discover new horizons for two weeks or more.
  • You agree to refrain from tourist activities during the day.
  • You want to visit relatives who live away from home for an extended period.


Take a vacation if...

  • You're feeling overworked and need a break.
  • You want to disconnect completely from work.
  • You want to immerse yourself completely in your destination.


Have you already tried this new way of working? Will you give it a try?


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